Home Security Tips For The 21st Century

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Home Security Tips For The 21st Century 1

How valuable is home security in your book? Do you believe that utilizing the services of home-security companies is just too costly? Do you wish there were cheaper solutions available to you? Happily, there are a number of affordable security options that are readily available. This article contains some inexpensive home security tips.

It is crucial that you change the locks as soon as you move into a new residence. You never know how many copies of the keys the previous owners made and handed out. Having a locksmith replace the locks will ensure that no strangers have a key. Also, if you ever lose your keys, do the same.

Spare Key

Do you have an outdoor dog? If so, you can use your dog to hide your spare key. Attach your spare key inside the collar of your dog. This is especially useful if the dog does not take kindly to strangers.

Purchase a safe to lock all of the extremely valuable items in your home in one place. If an intruder breaks into your home, at least these valuables will be secure. Be sure to put your safe in an out of the way place like the basement, attic or under the floorboards.

Check around for prices, reputation, and reliability when choosing a home security provider. Prices vary significantly, even for similar levels of protection. Before choosing which company to go with, ask for quotes from a minimum of three companies.

If you want to have a spare key hidden outside of your home, hide it carefully. It is very common for homeowners to hide them under a mat or above the framing of their door, and intruders know this. A possible solution is to attach a key to your outdoor dog’s collar.

Don’t let people into your home unless you know them. There are some people who are very convincing and good at getting you to let them into your house. Some criminals will come in, case your house and then come back when you are away.

If you do not know the person at your door, don’t open it. Many people are devising many different schemes to get into homes and burglarize them. You should make sure you only open the door to your home for people that you know and are expecting.

Install lights that have motion sensors. If someone enters their proximity, they will light automatically. They will notify you of any movement and can deter any possible burglars since they like remaining inconspicuous. Do not forget to change a bulb when it burns out.

The first step in making your home more secure is to change out your locks. Changing the locks will ensure that you are the only one who knows the combination. It’s generally cheap can can take less than a day to do.

A skylight is another area that needs to be protected for home security. Although skylights provide your home with a lot of light, it is also very helpful for burglars to break in. Check that skylights have heavy duty hardware that can stand up under unwanted tampering.

Home Security Tips For The 21st Century 2

A wall is a great hiding place. Small items of value can be hidden for safety in your home’s walls. Use an old switch plate, outlet or phone jack. If you have no unused plates, you can easily install false ones.

Get creative and hide valuables inside your walls. You don’t have to cut pieces out of the walls. There should be pre-cut spaces throughout your home that will suffice. For example, you could take the wiring out of an electric socket that is not in use and put your valuable jewelry in there.

Do not hide your spare key under your doormat or in a nearby planter. Instead of letting you into your home in the event you are locked out, you are providing criminals with easy access to your home. Thieves are tricky, diabolical, and familiar with any and every hiding place. Rather, keep your spare keys with a neighbor you trust.

No one should be able to see your valuables from outside. It is wise to invest in coverings for large windows that can give criminals a large view of your home. Blinds are a great way to allow the light in, without allowing people to see in at the same time.

Just moved in? Time for new locks! Though you may not suspect that the seller is up to something, you still need to be careful. Many other people could have keys to the property, and you probably don’t want them to all have access to your home.

Don’t let anyone in your house without knowing their work history and checking their references. Don’t be afraid of conducting background checks to determine if they have a criminal history. You never know if the maid, repairman or contractor you hire is on the up and up, and letting them in or giving them a key could be a fatal mistake.

Motion-sensitive exterior lighting is a must. They lights will light up your property at night and they are cost-effective and efficient. Positioned correctly, these lights can make it impossible for intruders to get on your property undetected.

You can find an excellent home security company with a simple Internet search. Look at many websites and read customer reviews about the various services. Then, you can choose a top three to contact and compare details and pricing.

If you see that the door is open, do not enter the house. This can be dangerous since the intruder might still be on the property. Go to a neighbor’s or another safe area and call the police.

Feeling safe in your home shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg. Luckily, there are a number of inexpensive home security solutions you can use no matter what your budget may be. This piece has offered lots of good home security ideas. They may be the best defense you could use and could also be the best thing you could buy.

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